Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

PARODY MOVIE (Uncensored Red Band Trailer)

August 1, 2012

Jack Nicholson in The Dark Knight Rises

April 27, 2012 – Spoof Troupe presents Jack Nicholson in a pitch meeting with studio executives, trying to replace Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight Rises.

Pokemon Parody

October 2, 2009

Check out the original theme song for Pokemon then watch this parody.

I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant?

June 8, 2008
Supposedly there is a TV special on women who didn’t know they were pregnant until one day they didn’t feel well and a baby popped out.
My question is. How stupid does a woman have to be not to realize she is pregnant?
First off a healthy weight gain is about 35-40 pounds (including the weight of the baby). Does this mean that these women are too stupid to realize they’ve gained 35-40 pounds? Even if they don’t weigh themselves, wouldn’t they feel heavier?
And what about the baby rolling around inside her. Kicking her belly. Kicking her bladder. Making her pee every ten minutes? What could they think this is? Indigestion? Indigestion that lasts 9 months? That’s pretty stupid.
And the dumbest one of all. Wouldn’t they realize that they haven’t been having their period for 9 months? Wouldn’t it dawn on them at some point?
“Gee I haven’t had my period since me and that guy had sex 9 months ago. I wonder if this has anything to do with my weight gain, puking, and constant trips to the bathroom. Could it be that I’m pregnant? No it must just be indigestion.”
That’s just stupid.

Sequels Aren’t All Bad

May 30, 2008

I don’t like the bad rap that sequels have been getting lately. For the past few years it seems all I hear are critics talking about how much they hate sequels. Critics always say the same thing. “It wasn’t as good as the original.” And they always imply that movie studios should never make sequels. Once they have a hit, they should leave it alone because a sequel will ruin the magic.


Well, I disagree. I think sequels get an unjustified bad rap. I don’t even think critics give them a chance. It seems like whenever a critic goes to see a sequel all they start doing is looking for stuff to criticize. So they can make a list of all the ways this movie is inferior to the original. People. This is not the proper way to watch a movie.


What about the sequels that are considered BETTER than the originals? Godfather 2. Terminator 2. Star Wars:  The Empire Strikes Back? I think most people who have seen these sequels (and many others) will actually agree that they are better than the original. In my opinion, there are MANY sequels which are better than the original.


I like Spider-Man 3 (2007) better than Spider-Man (2002). I know some people may disagree but too bad. I like X-Men 2 and X-Men 3 better than the original. There are more but lets move on.


I do agree that there are some originals that have not yet been topped by any sequel. Superman (1977). Jurassic Park (1989). Ghostbusters (1984). Bruce Almighty (2003). Dumb and Dumber (1994). Just to name a few. But I still watch the sequels. I still enjoy the sequels. Well, except for the Dumb and Dumber sequel. I still don’t know why they made that one.


But then there are instances where a series of movies will be made and one of the movies in the middle is the best. Not the first. Not the last. But perhaps the third? I think the third movie in a series can sometimes be special. I like Superman 3 (1983) with Richard Pryor. It’s not better than the first but it’s better than the other movies that came after it. Star Wars Episode 3 is the best of the new trilogy. And I already mentioned Spider-Man 3 and X-Men 3.


Now lets talk about the Indiana Jones franchise. I saw 4. Everyone saw 4. It wasn’t my favorite. It’s still a good movie but I probably enjoyed it the least of all 4. It just didn’t seem like Indiana Jones to me. Maybe too much time has passed (19 years to be precise). But my favorite Indy movie was part 3 – Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. That doesn’t mean they should stop making sequels after the third one comes out. I’m simply pointing out that sometimes even the third in a series can surpass the first two.


For anyone who still thinks that sequels are the work of the devil I will make one last point. Look how many Star Wars movies have been made. Look how many Star Trek movies have been made. Batman. Superman. My God, look how many James Bond movies have been made. When we talk about sequels we can’t just think about the second in a series. We’re talking about trilogies. We’re talking about studios making a bunch of movies and then starting over from scratch with a re-launch. I think the James Bond re-launch is looking good so far. I’m looking forward to the Star Trek re-launch. And I think the Batman re-launch is particularly cool.


So in closing, sequels are not the devil. Critics – don’t be so quick to bash the sequels. Because sometimes the sequels rule!!!


911 Movie Trailer

February 3, 2008

This film was inspired by 911.

 View the film now at:

Middle Fingers on Myspace

June 23, 2007

Do Not Pass Gas July 15

June 10, 2007

Do Not Pass Gas July 15


As you know greenhouse emissions are up from previous years. Livestock flatulance comprises 20% of the world’s greenhouse gasses. However, since livestock do not use Myspace, I am directing this message toward human Myspace users. Human flatulence accounts for 10% of the world’s greenhouse gasses. 


According to Duke University, humans flatulate 9-14 times per day, approximately 2.3 cubic feet of gas. There are 150 Million people on Myspace. That means Myspace users produce 472 Million cubic feet of flatulence on any given day. This accounts for 4% of the world’s greenhouse gases.

You have probably heard the theory that gay marriage caused the flood in New Orleans. While this is a well thought-out theory, put forth by a plethora of the world’s most knowledgeable meteorologists, new evidence put forth by Dr. Skatole suggests that it is more likely that the flood in New Orleans was caused from flatulence.

Most flatulence is composed of Nitrogen. As everyone knows, Nitrogen gas dilutes the oxygen in the air. This makes it harder for asthma sufferers, seniors, and smokers to breath. Nitrogen is also not used by plants for photosynthesis.

Not to mention that human flatulence also contains portions of methane and hydrogen, gases which are flammable and known to cause forest fires and spontaneous combustion. They also smell bad and can have devastating effects on an intimate relationship.

Therefore, I am asking all Myspace users not to pass gas on July 15. On this one day, we can cut greenhouse emissions by 4%. This will greatly reduce global warming, asthma, forest fires, spontaneous combustion, and embarrassment throughout the world.

Please, do not pass gas July 15.

A message from: 

Pass it on.